
The Impact of Fowl Cholera on Poultry Farms: A Deeper Look

Fowl Cholera, also known as avian cholera or Pasteurella multocida infection, is a disease that can have a significant impact on poultry farms. Let's delve deeper into this avian disease, exploring its etiology, the role of vectors, and its broader implications for the poultry industry.

Concise Guide to Veterinary Antimicrobials and Their Uses, Dose and administration

Veterinary antimicrobials play a crucial role in treating various bacterial infections in animals. This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of antimicrobial drugs, including Amoxycillin Trihydrate, Ampicillin & Cloxacillin, Benzathine penicillin, Cephalexin, Ceftriazone and Tazobactum, Levofloxacin, Oxytetracycline LA, and more. Learn about their therapeutic uses, recommended dosages, contraindications, and storage precautions to ensure safe and effective treatment for your beloved animals.

Florfenicol-A Broad Spectrum Antibiotic for Livestock and Pets

Florfenicol is a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic approved for use in livestock, particularly cattle, to treat bovine respiratory disease and other bacterial infections. This article provides an overview of its uses, pharmacology, precautions, and dosage guidelines.