Babesiosis: A Dangerous Tick-Borne Disease Affecting Cattle

Babesiosis: A Dangerous Tick-Borne Disease Affecting Cattle

Babesiosis, commonly known as redwater, is a parasitic disease caused by an intra-erythrocytic protozoan belonging to the Babesia genus. It is primarily transmitted by hard ticks of the Ixodidae family. Unlike many parasitic diseases, Babesiosis tends to affect adult cattle more severely than young ones, often resulting in subclinical infections in the latter. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as fever, haemoglobinaemia, haemoglobinuria, anaemia, and, in severe cases, death.


Causes and Epidemiology


Babesiosis in cattle is primarily caused by four significant species of Babesia: B. bovis, B. bigemina, B. divergens, and B. major. Among these, B. bovis, B. bigemina, and B. divergens are more prevalent, with B. major being less significant. The spread of Babesia spp. is influenced by local climate conditions and the behavior of tick vectors.


Tropical species: B. bovis and B. bigemina. These species are found in regions such as Australia, Africa, South and Central America, Asia, and the southern parts of Europe. In Australia and the Americas, the tick Boophilus microplus acts as the primary vector, while in Africa, other Boophilus and Rhipicephalus species are involved. Boophilus ticks are one-host ticks, meaning their entire life cycle takes place on a single animal, with only the engorged female dropping to the ground to lay eggs. Some African vectors, like R. evertsi, are two-host ticks, and R. appendiculatus is a three-host tick. B. bovis infection generally results in low parasitaemia in venous blood, but it can be high in capillaries, leading to blood sludging. Severe effects on the blood coagulation system are observed, making B. bovis the most pathogenic species among bovine Babesia. On the other hand, B. bigemina causes higher venous parasitaemia but primarily leads to febrile reactions and straightforward haemolytic anaemia.


Temperate species: B. divergens and B. major. Babesia divergens is commonly found in areas with permanent pasture in northwestern Europe and is transmitted by the three-host tick Ixodes ricinus. Babesia major, which is limited to southeastern England and some islands off the coast of The Netherlands, is transmitted by Haemaphysalis punctata. B. divergens exhibits similar behavior to B. bigemina, causing high parasitaemia, fever, and severe haemolytic anaemia. However, its impact on blood coagulation systems is less severe compared to B. bovis. The epidemiology of B. divergens closely relates to the ecology of its tick vector, I. ricinus. In Europe, I. ricinus is generally active between May and November, with population increases during spring and autumn, although in northern climates, it may only have one peak in midsummer. Outbreaks of babesiosis are frequently observed about two weeks after favorable weather conditions. Limited research has been conducted on B. major's epidemiology, but reported isolations have occurred in May and June.


Signs and Symptoms


Early signs of Babesiosis in cattle include slight dullness, high fever (40.5–41°C or 105–106°F), pipe-stem diarrhoea, haemoglobinuria, slight dehydration, and sunken eyes. After 24–36 hours, mucous membranes tend to become pale, pulse rate increases, animals slow down, appetite and thirst decrease, urine becomes dark and reduced in quantity, and faeces may return to normal. In the late stages of the disease, rectal temperature is often subnormal, mucous membranes become blanched, appetite diminishes, constipation becomes apparent, heart rate significantly increases, and pregnant cows may experience abortion.


Necropsy Findings


During necropsy, affected animals may exhibit a very blanched carcass, and jaundice might be present. The liver is often swollen and pulpy, with dark and enlarged kidneys. The bladder contains red-brown urine, and ecchymotic haemorrhages can be observed under the epicardium and endocardium.




The diagnosis of Babesiosis requires considering the history of recent movement to tick-infested pastures. Clinical babesiosis is unlikely to be observed in cattle younger than nine months old. Although these cattle can get infected and show febrile reactions, their resulting parasitaemia remains low, and haemoglobinuria tends to be mild. In areas with high tick populations, most cattle are infected at an early age and develop immunity over time, resulting in enzootic stability. In the early stages of the disease, haemoglobinuria might not be present, necessitating a careful examination of stained blood smears for accurate diagnosis. Once haemoglobinuria becomes evident, the parasitaemia is more noticeable. Differential diagnosis involves ruling out other conditions causing haemoglobinuria, such as anaplasmosis, eperythrozoonosis, leptospirosis, postparturient haemoglobinuria, and bacillary haemoglobinuria.


Treatment and Control


The treatment of Babesiosis in cattle involves two primary aspects. First, treatment with babesicides is administered, and secondly, supportive therapy, including blood transfusion and fluid replacement, may be necessary. Currently, there are limited options for babesicides. Imidocarb is the only licensed treatment in the UK, given at a dose rate of 1mg/kg body weight. Imidocarb is widely used in South America and other countries due to its high effectiveness and relatively low toxicity. However, it leaves tissue residues for several weeks after administration. Imidocarb can also be used at double the therapeutic dose as a chemoprophylactic measure, offering protection from infection for up to six weeks. This approach is often utilized in cattle exposed to ticks or those that have been vaccinated with live Babesia. The goal is to induce mild infection in cattle, leading to immunity against clinical illness and further infection.


Live vaccines for B. bovis and B. bigemina have been available in various countries for many years, particularly in Australia and South America. These vaccines consist of live organisms made avirulent by repeated rapid syringe-passage through splenectomized calves. B. divergens currently lacks a vaccine, although ongoing research aims to develop inactivated recombinant vaccines for this species, as well as for B. bovis and B. bigemina.


Severely affected adult cattle often require blood transfusions, which involve collecting 5 liters of blood from a healthy, unaffected cow into a 22 percent solution of the anticoagulant acid citrate dextrose (ACD). This mixture is immediately transfused into the recipient animal. Single transfusions without cross-matching of blood types usually yield successful results, but repeated transfusions can lead to compatibility issues with blood antigens.


In conclusion, understanding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and control measures of Babesiosis is crucial for managing and preventing the disease in cattle populations.